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A Guide to Hanging your Artworks


Hanging textiles or any other kind of artwork can be tricky to get right. Here is our guide to hanging perfect artworks to show them off at their best and achieve the best impact for your space.

Your interior design choices are a reflection of who you are as a person and allow you to put your entire personality into your space. However, knowing where to hang your textile artworks and how to arrange them to showcase these highly personal pieces at their best can seem daunting as certain hanging can feel like a somewhat permanent change to your walls.

“Your interior design choices are a reflection of who you are as a person and allow you to put your entire personality into your space. ”

According to many experts the perfect height to hang artwork at eye level, is 57’’ from the centre of the piece to the floor. Of course depending on your actual height, you can adjust a couple inches either up or down, but the 57’’ seems to be a standard rule of thumb for hanging. This height is the perfect position to garner the attention and create a focal point of any room.

But there are of course a few other things to consider too! You should take into account the size of your textiles, be it length or width and know where you can place your screws and batons on your wall, perhaps there’s a window you must work around or a wall design you’d like to incorporate into your compositio and of course a gallery wall is also another exception to this rule. However, you could start with hanging an artwork at eye level and creating a beautiful structure of textile works around that.

Here’s the method to hanging your textile artwork using the centre point:

  1. Take the measurements of the frame and divide in half.

  2. From the number you get, subtract the distance from the top of the hardware you’ve chosen to hang with to the top of the artwork frame. (If you’re hanging with a wire, make sure the wire is super taut for accuracy!).

  3. Add the figure you get from those measurements to 57 inches.

  4. Measure this number distance from the floor up and mark your spot on the wall. This is where you will place the fixing!

  5. Fixing in, artwork up, step back and ponder your placement.

In the end, however, the choice is ultimately yours. The eye level rule is simply a guideline of what may look best, but you know your home better than anyone else, and wherever feels the best to you is the exact place you should hang your textile artworks!

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